Lessons Learned from Covid-19 & What Could be Next
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Tuesday, January 26, 2021
3:00 - 4:00 pm ET
Webex Virtual Event
The IEIC Virtual Summit Series: Lessons Learned from Covid-19 & What Could Be Next?
Led By Dr. Vint Cert, "Father of the Internet"
Join us as we discuss how the Internet performed and how the industry responded (and continues to respond) during this pandemic.
Led by Dr. Vint Cerf, Google Chief Internet Evangelist and Co-Founder of the Internet
The Panelists:
Clint Heiden, Founder of IEIC, Jason Black, Head of Network Reliability Engineering at Subspace, Ivo Ivanov, Founding Member of IEIC and Vinay Kanitkar, CTO at Akamai and Moderated by Vinay Nagpal, Executive Director of IEIC
The Format:
20-minute Keynote Speaker
40-minute Panel Discussion
Live & Prepared Questions
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Dr. Vint Cerf, "Father of the Internet"